Thursday, May 10, 2007

Magic of Thinking Big

Hi Folks,

I know its kinda like me........ ofcourse it has to be right.

I thought if I gotta have my own canvas, what could I write about.

So why not start with something which gave me the initial seed to write.....

Magic of Thinking Big.... Dr. David Schwartz. Acclaimed to have changed the lives of many around the world. The book is a guide for many to give life to their imagination, creativity, and ofcourse the strenght to act upon your dreams. And just not put them into an enclosure or back burner as some put it.

Many a times people from various backgrounds have come up with statements that they want to do something. Noone, knows what that something is cause they never look around enough or allow themselves to be caught up with life as a whole. Yes comon, this is something I do feel strongly about, if there is life there will be something or the other going on. You cannot just say or wait for everything to be perfect to start or do something in life. You have got to sit down with a mental attitude of a winner and get things done.

Some thought process. Read the book thats all I could say.......

More to come..........

Comments welcome. Am sure you would appreciate my first foray into writing by giving me some encouraging review/tips. ;)

Just to leave you with a thought process....

You can just do enough right have the right kind of result/success..... but what if your entire perception of right things in itself has some glithches...
You can take a horse to the water but can't make it drink......... For that action is required.


magicofimagination said...

Dinesh, you have really given a thought process for everyone to think. I liked your message that one needs to dream big no matter what.
Like always you are awesome, From Pushkala Dinesh

Unknown said...

nicely put...
